is a progressive list of all to us known Koenigsegg® cars ever produced, continuously updated by our crew.
Sort by Model, VIN, Year or search the extensive additional information.
As we have just launched this Registry we are still researching, collecting and checking missing details. We do our very best to share the latest information, as it hits the factory floor.
Some numbers and details may still missing, but there might be a reason for these "unknown" or even hidden numbers. Others remain just a mystery and needed to be unlocked - any information from your end for us is highly appreciated!
Even inside the Koenigsegg®-owners-lodge and together with collected information from other internet pages, as well as the knowledge of our crew, we still have a number of cars, where general details need to be added... such as full VINs / pictures / extras and/or other details, so the "unknown" or "incognita" Koenigsegg® cars will be uncovered.
Therefore all of you spotters are more than welcome to help us to keep our registry up-to-date and reliable.
Please feel free to contact us and send us all details you believe, that are important to share and add in our masterlist - we all thank you for your support !
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Please note:
all wordings / datas / figures / explanations are a non-binding legal aid and can change without prior notice.